Chicago-based Commercial Real Estate giant Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL), a Fortune Global 500 Listed Company, contracted Marco Polo Studios on a Research + Development Project gathering intelligence about how to use 3D Smart City Technology for Real Estate Communications.

JLL leases + sells Commercial Real Estate in 500+ cities across 80+ Countries.


Marco Polo was tasked with bi-weekly reporting on 3D Smart City Data Formats, 3D Smart City Data Providers (Open Source + Commercial Source), 3D Smart City Building Costs, Building Information Modeling (BIM), Building Level Visualizations + 3D Web Mapping Platforms.

3D Smart City Models > Chicago, New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Honolulu, Miami, Atlanta, London, Paris, Tokyo, Singapore, Rio De Janeiro, Sydney, Melbourne, Toronto, Calgary + Doha.

3D Web Mapping Platforms ESRI ArcGIS Online, Cesium + JLL Google-based BlackBird were assessed for comparative analysis.

Marco Polo worked closely with Los Angeles-based 3D Smart City Buildings Data Provider CyberCity3D + Auckland-based Digital Twin Platform Provider Nextspace.

Along with bi-weekly reports, Marco Polo worked across time zones to deliver results + lead conference calls to JLL’s Chicago HQ. Information gathered by Marco Polo was presented at JLL’s Quarterly Board Meeting in Chicago.

Lastly, we provided “Technical Step-by-Step Guidelines” on how to import multiple geographic data formats + visualize 3D Smart Cities using ESRI GIS Technology + ESRI ArcGIS Online.